Our primary goal is to ensure the safety of all visitors to NAS Oceana. Accordingly and per Title 41, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 102-74, all bags and hand-carried items are subject to search and inspection prior to entry onto the flight line. Additionally, all visitors are required to enter the flight line via walk-through metal detectors. Any bags will be subject to visual search and inspected by our security staff. Our security forces are in place to ensure the safety of all visitors, so your cooperation with this process is required. Failure to comply with this inspection will result in denial of access to the flight line.
To keep delays to a minimum, please remember that patrons are not permitted to bring the following items on the flight line. Prohibited items may be confiscated at our security checkpoints:
The NAS Oceana Air Show is a family friendly event. Over consumption of alcohol leading to disorderly conduct will not be tolerated, and may lead to arrest and/or debarment from the installation.
We recommend spectators minimize the number and size of authorized items to reduce the time required for inspection prior to access into the flight line area. The following items ARE permitted:
Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the flight line in the vicinity of aircraft, vendor tents, or chalets. There is a smoking area designated by signage at the “back line” of the air show to the left of show center. Marijuana is not permitted on NAS Oceana.
In accordance with federal regulations, no drones are permitted to be flown on or near any military installation at any point in time.
Remember, there is no shade on the airfield, so bring your sunscreen and a hat! Please remember, our youngest aviation fans are also very vulnerable to heat stress. We will have misting tents available on the flight line to help you cool off.
Please keep in mind that your safety is our primary concern. Remember the following important safety tips:
If needed, call 757-433-9111 for emergency assistance.
Uniformed security personnel are there to help. Follow all instructions from uniformed security personnel.
Watch where you are walking and be aware of low-hanging aircraft components.
Medical personnel are on call to render assistance to anyone that requires it. Notify any uniformed security person or air show worker if you or any member of your group requires medical attention.
Cameras and camcorders are permitted, and there is no restriction on lens size (within reason). Owners may be required to open all compartments at security checkpoints and allow security forces to inspect equipment. Camera bags will be searched upon entry.
While enjoying the air show, we ask photographers to be aware of all signs regarding prohibited photography, where applicable, and to be mindful of other patrons and their ability to enjoy the show.
There will be areas on our flight line where photography is not authorized. Failure to obey signs and security watch standers will result in removal from the air show.